Expecting a Baby with Spina Bifida?
If you've found yourself here, chances are you're expecting a baby with Spina Bifida. Or maybe you already have a child with SB. When I first received Liam's diagnosis, I felt so alone...and devastated...and scared...and just plain mad. But four years into this journey of ours, I can honestly say I wouldn't change a thing. Okay, so yeah, if I could take it all away for Liam, I would. After all, don't we all just want to make life easier for our kids? But, for me, the lessons I've learned have been invaluable. Liam has taught me more in the last four years than I've learned in a lifetime, and he is my daily source of inspiration and strength. It is one heck of a roller coaster ride, yes, but the ups far outweigh the downs.
I hope the following posts will help to inspire, comfort, and lift you up. My greatest wish is that they offer you a glimmer of hope, no matter how small it may be.
Liam's SB Story, from sbstories.org:
You are an inspiration. I'm so glad you admitted that you were devastated and mad. Who wouldn't be? Mothersl want the best for their kids. I also am thrilled that you would change the situation for your son. I would do it for my daughter in a hot minute. But I also agree, being my daughter's mother, she has made me a better person. Someone I would not be if she didn't have special needs. And she gives me tons of stories. I think I was meant to be a storyteller. Thank you so much for finding me at Outoneear.com. I've liked your FB page and hope to see more of your posts. It's late tonight and I'll read more later. Your son is adorable!